Serious Process. Serious Confidence.
Investment Philosophy
With over two decades of responsibility for stewarding nonprofit assets, our team has developed four core beliefs that define our approach. Knowing what we believe has enabled us to guide clients through markets extreme and ordinary. Our philosophy guides our research, forecasting, allocation, modeling, and investment manager due diligence. Thus, there is an alignment throughout our investment process with a thoughtful reason for every investment, recommendation, and decision. Investment managers should be able to articulate clearly and consistently why their investment philosophy is worthy of confidence.
Syntrinsic Investment Beliefs
Time is of the Essence
Recognizing that investors often destroy capital when investors try to time the markets, we are patient investors.
Quality Matters
Objectivity Over Emotion
All Investing has Impact
Syntrinsic believes that investors should hold companies accountable for more than financial return. And for our clients who agree, we help them better align their values and their investment strategy.
Portfolio Development Process

Start with You
Every investor is distinctive. We customize portfolios to reflect specific target returns, distribution and liquidity needs, risk tolerance, values alignment, and other considerations. For many clients, we develop multiple portfolios for financial resources with different purposes.
Forecast Capital Markets
Each year, we develop reasonable ten-year return forecasts that guide our strategic asset allocation. We also update our economic and market sentiment to inform tactical shifts over the near-term.
Develop Asset Allocation Targets
Every portfolio is built on a strategic asset allocation aligned with the long-term return objectives. Tactical shifts create opportunities to add value while rebalancing keeps investors on track.
Select High Quality Managers
We select third-party active and passive investment managers from an open universe. We have no direct or indirect financial relationships with any investment managers, nor do we direct our clients to proprietary investment strategies. Every quarter we document in writing our sentiment about each manager.
Real Impact.
We can help.
The Spectrum of Impact Investing We Can Support
Gender-Lens Investing
Allocating assets to opportunities that support or exemplify support for women. For example, using managers with a higher percentage of female leaders or supporting a business focused on supporting female entrepreneurs.
Social Capital
Structuring capital investment in businesses seeking to solve social challenges.
Shareholder Engagement
Leveraging your financial influence to encourage changes in company policies.
Syntrinsic enables clients to delegate responsibilities as best meets your needs. In all three structures, Syntrinsic serves as a fiduciary, owing clients loyalty and care and putting your needs first. And in all three approaches, clients receive the same robust performance reporting, well-documented portfolio recommendations and changes, and customized approach to portfolio development.
Syntrinsic recommends asset allocation targets and money manager options; the client retains control of final decisions related to both.
Partial Discretion
Syntrinsic recommends allocation targets while the client retains control of allocation decisions; the client delegates to Syntrinsic manager selection within policy restrictions.
Full Discretion
Client delegates responsibility to Syntrinsic for setting asset allocation targets and selecting money managers within policy restrictions. Portfolios are customized for the client.
Increased Delegation to Syntrinsic

Reach Us
Do more. Do well. We’ll help.
1705 17th St #100, Denver, CO 80202