
2024 Mid-Year Capital Markets Forecast

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Commentary, Research

The more things change, the more they stay the same. In our last forecast, we discussed election uncertainty, sticky inflation, and geopolitical risk. Six months later, these issues are still with us. While we are not making across the board allocation changes or recommendations, the Syntrinsic Investment Committee has made a few modest changes in near-term sentiment.

Geopolitical uncertainty continues outside the U.S., particularly in the Middle East, Ukraine, and China—and here in the U.S., we await a potentially fractious runup to the November elections. As our recent piece, The 2024 U.S. Elections in Perspective, discusses, while volatility tends to rise in the periods right around presidential elections, over the longer run basic economic factors prevail as drivers of return.

Read or download our full 2024 Mid-Year Capital Markets Forecast [PDF]